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Chick Flicks by The Teacher

When my male roommates go out of town, I make it a point to rent "chick flicks" that I would otherwise not watch. And I always learn that there is a reason I would not watch these movies otherwise. They're crap. Really. Here are some reviews of movies I watched this last weekend:


Love Actually - This was the best of the bunch. It's sappy and sweet, and even though I took a "no Hugh Grant movies" vow after the debacle that was Four Weddings, we can overlook Hugh Grant's total lack of acting ability for the excellence of Emma Thompson, Liam Neeson and Colin Firth (yummy!). The music is also good - so good, that I would actually buy the soundtrack! This movie is set at Christmas time, and would be a good holiday rental, as it's all about the redeeming power of love, in its many forms. I laughed, I cried; I enjoyed it unapologetically. The teacher gives it an A.

Bridget Jones' Diary - This movie was an amusing little stinker. Renee Zellwiger looks like crap all the way through it, Colin Firth is yummy, and Hugh Grant makes a good bad guy. But the problem is that the character of Bridget is never really established, and as such, you don't give a hoot about what happens to her. Should have spent more time on her and her friends building the character. The teacher gives it a C for not enough development.

Lost in Translation - I know this movie was well-done, but I yawned all the way through it. What exactly is the point? Tokyo is a place I never want to spend any time at all! Good character development and fine acting from Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson save a tedious plot. Sofia Coppola is probably a bore at cocktail parties. The teacher gives it a B for good acting, C for no thesis whatsoever.

Old School - Can you believe I watched this? It's a pathetic remake of Animal House featuring guys who desperately want to grow up and be men, but can't. The women are no better, as they seek to emasculate the men they supposedly love. The whole thing is a nightmare with two funny bits, which would have been better as a SNL skit. Vince Vaughn is the only bright spot, playing the only intelligent male in the movie. You will like this if you are pre-teen or a male of any age. The teacher gives it a B- for being true to form.

Comments (1)

Ms. Jen:

"Sofia Coppola is probably a bore at cocktail parties. "

I supposed if she drank lots of the Sofia champagne that her dad made in her honor that she might be interesting if she shared the wine...

smiles, jen ;o)

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