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February 27th Film Releases

Will you shut up about Jesus already! I've had enough. I don't want to listen to another word about anti-Semitism, anti-Romanism, or sadomasochism. If I hear one more whine about how Mel Gibson portrayed some group unfairly, I'll nail myself to a cross.
It's a movie people. Not a weapon of mass destruction.

1) Good Bye, Lenin!
2) The Passion of the Christ
3) Broken Lizard's Club Dread

All this hoopla and controversy, and I still end up recommending a foreign film. This is not exactly an endorsement of the domestic film industry. I guess I'm still waiting to be impressed.

The Passion of the Christ
One critic called it "The Bloodiest Story Ever Told" and I think he had a point. This is supposed to be a very literal portrayal of nothing but the crucifixion. Compelling? Yes. Moving? Undoubtedly. Enough gore to make you want to hurl? Possibly.

A female homicide investigator is being stalked by a serial killer who is murdering all of her ex-boyfriends. Why can't I have this problem?

Broken Lizard's Club Dread
Another serial killer movie, only it's a comedy that takes place on a hedonistic resort in the tropics.
A multiple beer/low brain cell movie, but sometimes that's okay.

Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights
Remember how we loved the original Dirty Dancing movie when we were kids? "Nobody puts Baby in a corner." Have you seen it recently? Now that we're all grown up? I have, and I switched half way through because I couldn't believe how awful it was. This is a direct copy and it doesn't even try to hide it, and I expect it to be just as awful.

Good Bye, Lenin!
Just before the Berlin Wall comes down a young East German man's mother falls into a coma. She awakens after the Cold War and the doctors warn the son that she mustn't be traumatized in any way. So, he goes about a comedy of errors of trying to hide the fact that capitalism has taken hold of East Berlin.
It was a huge hit in Germany and is supposed to be exceptionally funny. I recommend it highly.

Comments (1)


I agree! "Serious" religious movies are a snooze anyhow, IMHO...besides, I like to be surprised at the end hah! :-P

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