March 2007 Archives

Crocs DID get cute!

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so I was randomly in a consignment shop the other day and what should I see, but a brand spankin' new pair of the Crocs Prima Ballet Flats in silver. hmmm....

on sale.
for half price.

Small and slim, it turns out they ARE equally as comfortable as their fugly clog-like predecessors: they're light as air and gel-cushioney, and they make my feet look very petite & cute. They go with almost anything and come in a pile of colors. I've only worn them twice so far, so this review may be a bit premature, but for right now I'd rate these Pretty Darn Sweet. LOL

In the ever lasting quest to look unique and cute, I love the idea of specially designed accessories that will make me stand out. Because even amongst the subcultural, things start to look alike.


I you want to flex your designing muscles, check out Freddy & Ma's interactive website, where you choose the style, leather trim, pattern and hardware of your custom handbag. Plaids and black leather? Check. Pink skulls? Check. However, I didn't see any vegan choices. Go play designer.


Kustom-with a K

But if you are looking for Kustom that Kicks ass, then you have to check out Trophy Queen's handbags. I covet Julie Wanda's beautiful kustom bag. But I am eye balling a diamond pattern for a kustom tote. Kustom orders will cost a little more, but Jenny, the designer and owner is open to your needs and is very friendly,


Better Than Exercise

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I'm not the type of girl who gets excited over nail polish at all, but then I was introduced to nail polish that CHANGES COLOR IN THE SUN, and now I have a reason to love nail polish. During a recent trip to San Diego to have dinner with a dear friend, she took me to Old Town for Mexican food and tourist traps, including a shop called Del Sol, which sells all kinds of things that change color in the sun. She went home with a pair of sunglasses; I went home with four bottles of nail polish, which I think is more nail polish than I've ever owned at one time. I got to try it out today, and when I watched the pale iridescent pink turn into a lovely shade of lavendar, you would've thought I'd won the LA marathon by the shriek of excitement I let out. Except, I dislike exercise in any form, so this is by far more exciting. Here's the best part, though - no need to drive to San Diego is required; you can purchase your own Del Sol products online!

Currently, I am wearing the nail polish color known as Vanity, but I also bought Eletrick, Rock Star, and Spike. And I may be purchasing more in the very near future. They really work, unlike cheap HyperColor t-shirts.

Vanity.jpg Electrick.jpg
Rock%20Star.jpg Spike.jpg

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