Donny Does The House of Blues!

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I was 13 years old when my mother took a Tiger Beat Magazine from my hands and said, “Oh, Cindy, look at this cute boy.” At the time, I was going through my brief David Cassidy crush phase via the Partridge Family. Those of you in your 20’s and 30’s may find what I’m talking about totally foreign, or you’ll be like some friends I’ve known younger than myself, who have started a whole new trend in retro music and television fandom.

I don’t know if my mother’s apocalypse was just that, or if it was a genetic mother/daughter telepathic thought transference. Perhaps, I was just blind to the fact that Donny Osmond was indeed, very cute. She handed the magazine back and I took a good long look, and that was that. From then on, I was a loyal lover of Donny Osmond. It happened quickly and the rest is history. Unbeknownst to me at that time, my mother was trying to keep me in that fantasy place as long as she could, delay puberty and my discovery of the boys around me. Revenge on your parents is sweet. Little did she know what she was in for the next 7 years. I thought, ate, and slept Donny Osmond. I was the most loyal Donny fan ever. My father almost left home.

Next month, I turn 50, just a few months younger than my teenage crush himself, who is now a Grandfather. Yes, Donny Osmond is a Grandfather, but a "Sexy Grandpa" as his fans refer to him. So, when my friends heard that Donny was going to do a concert at the House of Blues Anaheim, my phone rang and everyone had the same thought – time to take a walk down memory lane.

As I look around me, things seem to be coming full circle. I wouldn’t trade my past memories for the world, and I’m glad I grew up in the 70’s, now that I see life in the year 2007. Seeing Donny use an iPod hooked to the monitors purporting his old songs made me step back and realize where technology has gone since those bygone days. Music has definitely remained in my life through the years though my tastes have changed some along the way.

I hadn’t seen Donny Osmond perform in many years. How long, I can’t recall, but I had heard things here and there about the family, and have kept an open ear when possible. So, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect because of all the years in between. I went in with an open mind anticipating nostalgia and a good time, and to simply watch “Donny Do The House of Blues"! Surprisingly, I got more than I’d bargained for, because it went far beyond my expectations.

Donny Osmond, HOB Anaheim, August 2007
All photos taken by Karla Richardson

Donny Osmond opened his show with a song entitled, “Will It Go Round In Circles” made famous circa 1970’s by Billy Preston, and he continued on from there. He has been performing live for 45 years. Have any of us done anything for 45 years continuously? That’s a pretty amazing time frame. He has also just finished his 55th album, an even more astounding accomplishment.


Yes, I enjoyed this show much more than anticipated, remembering back to those sweet and innocent years, just like the song, and yes, Donny did sing “Sweet and Innocent”, even if he is pushing 50 (he said it, I'm just repeating it). It simply made my heart and soul happy, and that’s the only way I can describe it. I looked around and saw happy faces having a good time interacting with the performer, and for a time they could forget their adult troubles. People sang along, gave pictures to him onstage for autographs; someone even gave him a Pokey horse (Gumby and Pokey), and then a Baby Donny Doll to sign. One lady gave him her child to carry onstage while he sang - all done in good spirit from the good guy that Donny Osmond was and continues to be. God Bless the good guys of the world, and I truly mean that.

Song requests were honored and the applause just kept coming for such hits as Hold Her Tight (a song by the Osmond Brothers); Breeze on By; Soldier of Love (Donny's comback hit); A medley of original hits, such as, Puppy Love, Go Away Little Girl, The Twelfth of Never; and songs from his new 70’s Love Songs album, including “I Can See Clearly Now”, and the Reverend Al Green’s “I’m So In Love With You”. A highlight of the show was seeing Donny take out the original saxophone he played at age 7. He played a sax solo during “Any Dream Will Do” from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Coat, a play he performed in on Broadway and many other venues across the country.


Donny Osmond has provem that he can reinvent the wheel, stand the test of time just like fine wine! After all… 50 is the new 30, folks, get used to it!


Wow! It sounds like that was quite a show! Not what I expected either, and now I wish I had been there too....

Very good review.


Thanks, Kelly. I sure had a fun time!


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