The Grammy Chicks

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In case you were unaware, the documentary about the Dixie Chicks Shut Up and Sing is now available for purchase. I'm too lazy, too poor, and too cranky to see films in theatres with a bunch of strangers and their cell phones, so I always wait until movies come out on DVD. Or sometimes still VHS.

Anyway, even though I'd bought my copy on Tuesday (the day it came out), it didn't ship until late last week, and it arrived on Wednesday.

I've since watched it twice, and was brought to tears both times.

It's about politics, censorship, music, standing up for what you believe in - both politically, musically, and professionally, and being willing to bet on yourself, even when it has seemingly has dire consequences at first. Given the recent sweep at the Grammys the Chicks enjoyed, it was clearly a risk worth taking.

Makes me proud to be a Chicks fan.



Can I borrow it? My mom hates the Chicks and swears she'll never buy another cd. I'd like to watch it - with her!


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