The Other Mr. White

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Dough Boy.jpg

Did anyone see the Pillsbury commercial during last night's American League playoff game? It featured our friend the Doughboy and music by Barry White. Yes, that Barry White.

Now, I know that Pillsbury has recently started a campaign aimed at Baby Boomers, those empty nesters who might hate cooking for just one or two, but now they're trying to make frozen dough SEXY. And nothing is sexier than Barry White people, nothing. Honestly, the commercial was risque in it's use of yeasty, rising imagery and couples feeding one another hot, tasty buns. It made me hungry!

This piece of marketing genius makes sense: the Doughboy, born in 1965, seems to be an icon Boomers can relate to. Although 1965 is usually the cut off for Gen X (Boomers are those typically born between 1946 and 1964), there are so many Boomers (77 million and counting) that companies like Pillsbury are now agressively going after the grey dollar that was once considered undesirable.

What fascinates me is their use of music and the power of White's suggestive bass to create an environment that makes even frozen buns seem appealing.

The tag line: "Pillsbury Doughboy - The Other Mr. White". Barry White is probably rolling in his grave.

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This page contains a single entry by Wanda published on October 17, 2005 3:41 PM.

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