November 2004 Archives

Sorry Everybody

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49% of the citizens of the United States of America would like to give the rest of the world an apology in the form of a website for the results of last week's election.


A few members of the international community even posted a few of their own images accepting our apology and reasuring us that there are a lot of people out there who know how hard we tried to convince the other 51% to let go of their fear and hate, and embrace a better future.

I told the friend (Katie Cook) who brought this to my attention, "We may be in the minority, but we are far more creative." Katie then reminded me that we are also cuter. How can I disagree?


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I don't want to be the stereotypical liberal/leftist crybaby, but G@D Dammit, I'm sad. Sure, I'm angry. I'm angry that I don't recognize my country, that my fellow citizens endorsed a regime that continues to lie to them and allowed the torture of detainees (TORTURE!!! WTF!!!), and I'm furious that the Democratic party didn't fight tooth and nail over this election, popular vote be damned!

The fact that we take the highroad of political strategy, think through issues in an intellectual instead of reactionary manner, and care about the wellbeing of others, does not make us inconsequential. It makes us a minority. That, makes me sad.


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