August 2004 Archives

Happy 30th to Me

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So as you may or may not know today is my official 30th birthday.
This blog is not to brag that's it my birthday but when I was up in S.F. with
Sandra and Jen last week, I picked up a issue of San Jose Mercury News, stating that on sunday's style section that there will be a feature article called "Anxiety at 30: Women feeling 'midlife crisis".
Here is the link:
Honestly I thought I had a mid twenties crisis at 25
Timing is everything, I guess!

Heeb Magazine

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I may be a Jew, but I'm a Jew with a sense of humor and when I found Heeb Magazine online it was as though it was made for people just like me (who knew?). I'm just glad that there are other members of the tribe who know how to take a joke and enough of a market to make it profitable (it is made by Yids after all).


While reading issue 6, I found an artice about a rabbi who hired a hit man to off his wife. I already knew the story, because one of my best friends was a member of his flock in junior high school. I e-mailed him at work with the news. This was the conversation, word for word:
Me: "Your Rabbi made it to the Gulit Issue. See 'Frozen Chosen.'"
Gary: "Cherry Hill is famous!" (Cherry Hill, NJ is his home town where the incident took place)
Me: "For amoral rabbis who hire professional killers."
Gary: "No. For (as my Dad would say) people who know how to take care of their problems."

I almost peed my pants.

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