October 2003 Archives

Too Much of a Stretch?

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According to the Wall Street Journal, companies are offering yoga to their employees on site, recognizing the benefits of keeping everyone in an asana-induced state of Zen. I find this hard to believe, since at my company, you're lucky if you can leave your desk for a glass of water! Who are these companies so that I can go work for one?

Companies Say Yoga Isn't a Stretch
Wall Street Journal (10/14/03) , P. D4; Forster, Stacy

Companies are beginning to subscribe to the benefits of yoga in the workplace, claiming that employees opting to use breaks for office yoga reduce their stress and tension levels and improve their concentration. Some are hopeful that office yoga will reduce health care costs for companies, as many set up yoga rooms in empty offices. Katz Media pays an instructor to teach office workers yoga during the day in its conference room, and employees are appreciative of the company's efforts. According to Yoga Journal, about 7 percent of the American population practices yoga, and many others are willing to try it, but critics are worried that it will be hard to gauge the impact of the exercise on the workplace and productivity. However, companies continue to opt for the service, and insurance companies are beginning to cover the services under alternative medicine coverage.

You Want Fries with That?


From the September 2003 issue of Training+Development:

"Intel, Wayport, and McDonald's recently announced plans to enable San Francisco-area locations with Wi-Fi in earnest. ... earlier this year, a select group of New York locations were set up wtih Si-Fi on a trial basis, but the Bay area rollout will be more comprehensive, with some 75 locations being wired for 802.11b technology. Wayport, which is providing the hotspots, is also considering future rollouts of 802.11g or 802.11a.

Pricing is reasonable at $4.95 for two hours of use. Locations will range from 12 in San Francisoco to six in San Jose, as well as parts in between. Locations equipped with the service will bear Intel's new Centrino logo."

Ever Wondered....

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Ever wondered how much you consumed in beverage up to this point? Take the Drink-O-Meter Quiz.

Haunted Peeps!


Get your peeps together for some really sweet fun! I find these little devils delightful!

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