Reviving the Apathy and Exhaustion:
Lawerence Arms at the Bottom of the Hill

Review By Ashley Kiana
Photo thanks to Fat

The Bottom Of The Hill, a small club in the middle of an unknown part of San Francisco was packed out by the time the Fat Wreck Chord’s young Chicago band, the Lawrence Arms came on. At first when I listened to the new album, Apathy and Exhaustion, it didn’t completely strike me as amazing. This kind of downed my spirits of going to the show on Sunday. I received the album Saturday morning while the show was Sunday night, maybe I just didn’t get to listen to the new album enough. After the show on Sunday, I fell in love with this band.

Now I still don’t really know The Lawrence Arm’s music extremely well but; these guys are hilarious. One of the two vocalists, Bren, held the crowd’s attention with his wit and comical personality. The band stopped between every song to tell a joke or ramble on about something funny. The band’s spunk led me to give them two thumbs up on a fine performance.

Although I was not able to sing along to every song, it was nice to know a couple of songs off of the new album. I specifically remember the band playing their first song off of the new album, Apathy and Exhaustion. The first song because of its name, Porno and Snuff Films, caught my attention while scoping the new album’s back cover. This song and Brick Wall Views are songs that I could listen to over and over again. The songs are not the “too macho, I am punk rock” type of songs but they are fun to listen to. The new eleven-song album, which came out on January 22 is worth spending your money on. I would never tell someone to see a band before buying their album but for some reason the Lawrence Arms are an exception. Either way the band is incredible. Buy their album. Go to their shows. Give them some money so they are not broke!!!
